Usva x UKrant - Can we stay?

A conversation about the future of international students in Groningen.


The anglicization of higher education and the influx of international students has been a hot topic in Dutch politics for years. It even became one of the themes in the recent elections. The 'internationalization in balance' law must ensure control over so-called 'knowledge migration'. However, the new right-wing cabinet could take a much stricter course. Will international students remain welcome in Groningen? And what are the consequences of fewer internationals for the University of Groningen?


International students will discuss in Usva with Jouke de Vries (Chairman of the Executive Board of the University of Groningen), Lucy Avraamidou (Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering and former columnist of the UKrant) and Rosanne Hertzberger (Member of Parliament Nieuw Sociaal Contract, policy area 'Education, Culture and Science').


This evening is organized by Usva and UKrant.


When? Thursday 20 June at 20.30 pm.

Where? In the Usva Theatre, Munnekeholm 10.











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