Money vs Morals: Is the University a company?

Academic research funded by Shell, having to pay to get an article published, universities being paid per student that graduates – recently there have been quite some discussions about the way universities are funded. In what manner does money influence the way the university is organized? During this panel discussion, we try to answer the question: is the university a company?


When? Wednesday 26 February at 20.30.
Where? In the Usva Theatre, Munnekeholm 10



Mirjam de Rijk is a journalist and recently, she published the book Gekaapt door het kapitaal. Zorg, onderwijs, wonen en kinderopvang. 


Thijs Lijster is a professor in cultural philosophy at the Faculty of Arts.


Margreet Hoek is a member of the University Council and the chair of Studenten Organisatie Groningen.









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