GUTS - Where The Sun Slumbers - 6,7 & 8 June - SOLD OUT!

The stories of Icarus, the Minotaur, and the Labyrinth have been told and retold. Now they are told again… the cycle continues.


‘Where the Sun Slumbers’ is a play about parents, choices, and people giving a damn. Although the play has its roots in Greek mythology, on the way to the stage it also picked up a kick-ass industrial aesthetic, some sassy fates, and a story all its own.


Come join us on June 6, 7, and 8 for this new production from the Groningen University Theatre Society. 



Content warnings: Flashing lights, depictions of violence, (emotional) abuse, death, swearing

When? Thursday 6 June, Friday 7 June & Saturday 8 June at 20.30 pm. Doors open at 20.00 pm.
Where? In the Usva Theatre, Munnekeholm 10.

NB: Tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged, so make sure you make your order for the right day!







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